Monday, March 18, 2013

Odd Behavior With .NET SQL Client Connection Pooling

This is an odd phenomenon that I encountered recently and wanted to share. I have some Powershell scripts that I use to drop and recreate databases that are used for testing some of our applications. The script first checks to see if the target database already exists and then drops it if it does. It checks first for open connections to the database (in sys.sysprocesses) and kills them if there are any (using the KillAllProcesses(TargetDB) method of the Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server object). What was happening is that for some databases, my check for active connections would return 0, but when the script would go to drop the database, it would fail saying there were active connections. Oddly, on the instances where it did work, the check for open connections would always return >0, even if I knew there were no open connections when the script was kicked off.

That last item got me thinking that the script itself was keeping connections open. Sure enough watching active connections while the script ran showed that when the script checked to see if the database already existed, the explicit close of the connection was not actually closing the connection. The quick fix was to disable connection pooling when opening the connection to check for the existence of the database. Doing so would actually close the connection when I tell it to close, rather than keeping it open for later re-use.

  $conn2 = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection "Server=$TargetSQLInstance;Database=$TargetDatabase;Integrated Security=SSPI;Pooling=false;"

What I was seeing on the server where the script worked, was what the that after the existence check but before the drop, sp_who2 and sp_lock showed a .NET Client Connection from my workstation to the target database still open with a shared DB lock to the target database.


The script would see the open connection, ask me if I wanted to kill it, I'd say yes, the script would kill my own connection, and the drop would succeed. On the server where it did NOT work, here's what I'd see at the same spot in the script:


Notice that the connection left open by my existence check is to master, not the target database, but the connection still has a shared lock open on the database, so the drop would fail. it would seem that on the first instance of SQL Server, closed pooled connections remain in the database context in which they were opened, but on the second instance, it changes to the context of the master database when the connection is closed.

After trying this out on a bunch of instances here, I've determined that the behavior appears to be specific to the exact version of SQL Server.I don't have enough time to test a bunch of configs to see where the behavior changed, but I see the connection left open to master on 2008R2RTMCU9 and older and I see it on the target database on 2008R2SP1CU4 and newer. Somewhere in-between, the behavior seems to have changed.

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